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​Mandalong. Where the Forest She-oaks grow.



The recent publication of Lake Macquarie City Council’s Morisset Place Strategy set off alarm bells for the Mandalong Community Association.


The Strategy does not mention Mandalong by name however, should the Strategy be implemented, the effects on the Mandalong valley will be extensive and environmentally catastrophic.


The Mandalong Community Association set about galvanising our community to protect what we hold most dear. Currently information is being disseminated and public meetings are being held.



The main concerns being addressed are:

The effects of building an industrial estate on a flood plain.


The disruption that will be caused by an increase of traffic, particularly trucks using Mandalong Road to access the industrial area and the M1.


The inexcusable destruction of environment and wildlife habitat.

The MCA has published a booklet which outlines the responses from the citizens of Mandalong to the LMCC Morisset Place Strategy

The LMCC responded to this booklet with the following letter:


The Mandalong Community Association opposes Lake Macquarie City Council’s Morisset Place Strategy, which proposes an industrial estate on flood-prone land at the mouth of Mandalong Valley. The development risks worsening flooding for upstream residents, as it would obstruct natural water flow and increase runoff downstream.


Traffic and Infrastructure Concerns
Local roads, including Mandalong and Deaves Roads, are already struggling with congestion, and the Council’s own studies highlight a lack of feasible solutions to accommodate the heavy vehicle traffic the project would bring.


Environmental and Cultural Impact
The valley, a vital ecological gateway to the Watagan Forest, hosts wetlands and endangered species like the Glossy Black Cockatoo. The industrial estate would destroy half the valley floor, contradicting the Council’s commitments to sustainability and biodiversity.

The Association urges the Council to abandon the plan and prioritize protecting Mandalong’s natural and community values.

Lake Macquarie City Council acknowledges the Mandalong Community Association's concerns regarding the Morisset Place Strategy. The project remains in the investigation phase, and no draft strategy has been finalized.


Studies and Community Input
Recent bushfire and flood studies, based on detailed modeling and community input, will inform the draft strategy. These studies identify risks and considerations for any future development and will guide planning measures like minimum floor levels and zoning.

Future Steps and Engagement
The Council plans to conduct further environmental assessments, consult with State agencies, and collaborate with Transport for NSW on transport solutions. Once the draft strategy is released, the community will have further opportunities to review and provide feedback.

Summary of Flood Study Findings

This report details current flood risks in the Morisset Area, covering key locations like Morans Creek and Stockton Creek. The study examines flooding impacts from various design events, showing that as flood magnitude increases, the number of affected properties and critical infrastructure—such as roads and community facilities—also grows. While the study includes data on residential and commercial buildings, it is important to note that these findings represent only the present situation. It does not account for the significant changes expected from proposed developments, such as the introduction of an industrial estate.


Community Meeting:

Date: Saturday, December 14, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Morisset Library


The Mandalong Community Association invites local residents to meet with specialist Council staff to discuss the flooding study and the proposed industrial estate. This is your chance to ask questions, share concerns, and learn more about how future developments could impact our area. Council staff will be available to provide insights and answer any queries regarding the flood risks and planning processes.

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