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Mandalong. Where the Forest She-oaks Grow


A number of species that are threatened or vulnerable live in our local area. The most noticeable of our threatened species is the Grey-headed Flying-fox.



Mandalong is home to a significant summer camp of Grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus Poliocephalus) as well as Black Flying Foxes (Pteropus Alecto). From time to time the camp also includes the Little Red Flying Fox (Pteropus Scapulatus).

Records indicate that the summer camp has been established for over 100 years.

The Mandalong camp was monitored between 2007 and 2009 as part of an extensive survey covering NSW, QLD and VIC.

The camp is currently being monitored quarterly by The NSW Office of Planning and Environment as part of a national program. This program provides data to inform decision making for flying-fox conservation and also helps inform public concerns about the impact of flying-foxes on industry, agriculture and public health, including Hendra outbreaks.

The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as vulnerable to extinction both in NSW and nationally. Their numbers have been decreasing quite rapidly in the past few years due to habitat destruction. Flying-foxes keep native forests healthy by pollinating plants and dispersing seed. Often called the “forest makers” they are crucial for the survival and regeneration of our native forests.

The Mandalong camp makes an important contribution to the survival of this species.

For more information, visit:



With a Flying-fox summer camp situated in Mandalong you may be concerned about risks to your health and curious to know more about them. Providing basic hygiene measures are taken, the risk to residents of having Flying-foxes in our area is extremely low.

Australian bat lyssavirus is only transmitted via a bite or scratch from an infected Flying-fox so it is very important that you never handle them. Lyssavirus is not spread through droppings or urine.

Hendra virus can be transmitted from an infected Flying-fox to horses. There is no evidence that humans can contract Hendra directly from Flying-foxes. It is recommended that food and water dishes be kept away from roosting Flying-foxes and that, as an extra precaution, horses are vaccinated

For more information go to
For public health advice go to

Emergency advice for injured or entangled Flying-foxes
If you find a Flying Fox or bat of any sort do not handle or attempt to rescue it.
Call WIRES on 1300 094 737, or Hunter Wildlife Rescue on 0432 537 705

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