​Mandalong. Where the Forest She-oaks grow.
Mandalong Community Association INC
Incorporation No: Y2392125
The Mandalong Community Association (previously the Mandalong Progress Association) has a proud history of promoting and protecting the interests of the community.
The MCA is an incorporated association holding registration with the NSW Office of Fair Trading since 1996.
Our purpose is to support all members of our community and to build social cohesion and a sense of community amongst the people of Mandalong. We work together to support each other and to confront challenges to our life style and collective rights.
The MCA holds regular community meetings and organises social and informational events for all Mandalong residents.
The Association represents our community on the Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee.
The MCA owns and manages this web site designed to give residents useful information about many aspects of living in Mandalong and provide a portal to wider sources of information.
To get acquainted and stay connected with your fellow Mandalong residents attend the social events and meetings.

Mandalong is a small rural community. Most of the properties in the area are between 10 and 50 hectares, some in traditional small farming blocks but many in environmentally protected areas. There was a population of just 433 people at the 2021 census.
Typical of rural locations, families had lived in the valley for many years and there was a strong sense of community and appreciation of the local environment.
In recent years Centennial Coal purchased more than 50 properties in the Mandalong Valley. This represented more than 30% of the landholders.
During this time the social profile of the community radically changed as long-term owner residents were replaced with tenants. The impact has been significant. This unavoidable sequence of events gradually fractured and weakened the community engagement.
In response to these circumstances the Mandalong Community Association set about an intense period of community-building activities. Central to these activities has been an ongoing ambition to procure a meeting facility to further enable the MCA to draw together and nourish the rebuilding of the community.

Your MCA Committee Members are:
Mandalong Community Association INC
Incorporation No: Y2392125
Email: info@mandalong.net.au