​Mandalong. Where the Forest She-oaks grow.
​Mandalong Rural Fire Brigade
The Mandalong Rural Fire Brigade is located at 1 Kerry Anderson Drive.
Email: mandalongruralfire@gmail.com
Phone: 1300 060 807
Mob: 0491 714 072
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MandalongRuralFireBrigade
​Bushfire Emergency: 000
Bushfire Information Line: 1800 679 737
RFS website: https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/
Fires Near Me N.S.W.
The Fires Near Me app is free and available for Android and iPhone.
Make a bushfire survival plan. Download information from the RFS website and ENSURE all points are covered in your plan.
Know your Neighbourhood Safe Place of last resort in a bushfire emergency. NB: As at April 2023 the fire brigade advisor could not identify this for the Mandalong area. Therefore you need to have a designated place in mind and identify safe exits.
Have a folder near your computer containing your crucial paperwork so you can grab both and leave.
Please look at all the information on the RFS website as it answers all questions.
Property access for the Mandalong Fire Truck
Before the fire season, trim back overhanging branches along your property access route to allow sufficient access for all emergency vehicles.
Consider the Mandalong Fire Truck’s impressive statistics!
Weight: 13.7 tonne
Height: 3.8 metres
Width: 2.5 metres
Removal of stock in case of fire or flood
Have a plan for early removal of stock to a safe place. This is up to each individual to discuss with neighbours and to ensure what is feasible, e.g. if horses need to be transported – is a float available? Where are you going to take them? Etc.
AIDER provides a once-off, free service support to residents to assist them live safely and confidently in bush fire prone areas.
AIDER services may include thinning vegetation, removing leaves, sticks and fallen branches, trimming branches, mowing or slashing long grass and cleaning gutters.
To be eligible for AIDER, residents should be aged or have disabling conditions and have limited domestic support from family, friends or other services.
Call (02) 8741 4955 to request an assessment of your property.